Ice - A giant ice spider had snow-white fur and red eyes.If it came in contact with a humanoid's skin, it had a burning and irritating effect, leaving skin enflamed with red splotches, however, it was mostly harmless.
Giant spiders' viscera was iridescent gold and purple in color. Despite the differences between the types of giant spiders, all were formidable opponents and certainly not foes for any arachnophobes to face. Some were capable of walking on ceilings, while others were not.
Some spun huge webs that prey easily stumbled into, while others spat a deadly poison. Giant spiders could attack in a variety of ways, typically whatever way their normal counterparts could. Lolth, the Queen of Spiders, was bound to have giant spiders serving her. Due to the different types of such spiders, they varied largely in all ways, such as having different colors and behavior.